
Apoyar la adaptación y expansión global
de las innovaciones de Pratham.

Nuestra experiencia abarca varias áreas de programas dedicados a abordar los retos de la educación y los medios de subsistencia mediante adaptaciones contextualizadas, rentables y ampliables de las innovaciones de Pratham, pioneras en la India, a contextos de todo el Sur Global.

Credits: FAAQ

Assessments for Action

Our ASER-type assessments and program measurement systems have been developed over the years to suit the needs of education systems and actors focused on understanding the impact and driving change.


Credits: Motriz

Early Years Education

Focusing on holistic child development (ages 3-8), our programs in Early Childhood Education blend classroom teaching and community engagement.


Credits : TaRL Africa

Teaching at the Right Level

TaRL, an evidence-based approach pioneered by Pratham in India, accelerates learning by grouping children based on their learning levels, rather than by age or grade. Pratham International provides technical and operational assistance for TaRL implementation across the global south.


Credits: PEF

Digital Initiatives

We harness Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for cutting-edge solutions in assessment, learner support, and digital content management. Our expertise also extends to technology tools in low-resource settings.


Credits: Pratham International

Youth Training

We seek to partner with local institutions and governments to empower youth through skill-based interventions.