Partner With Us

Collaborations and partnerships are the foundation of Pratham International’s work.

Who We Are

Strengthening Education through Collective Efforts

We seek to leverage new and existing partnerships to deliver high-quality, high-impact interventions that support children and young people in learning well.

It is through eager partners and strong supporters, that our work achieves its impact and far-reaching potential. We aim to build active and impactful interventions by working together, problem-solving, and communicating proactively in our collaborations.

Credits : TaRL Africa

Global Footprint


  • The Pratham Education Foundation pioneered several innovations in India to support learning for school, work and life. Some well-known Pratham Innovations include the TaRL approach and ASER Survey.


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 2
  • Youth Skilling : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 3

Côte d'Ivoire

  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 3


  • TaRL Pratham Partnership : 1

El Salvador

  • TaRL Pratham Partnership : 1


  • TaRL Pratham Partnership : 1
  • Early Years Education : 1


  • Teaching at the Right Level : 1

South Africa

  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1

The Gambia

  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Pratham Partnerships : 2


  • TaRL Pratham Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Africa Partnerships : 1


  • TaRL Pratham Partnership : 2


  • TaRL Pratham Partnership : 1


  • TaRL Pratham Partnership : 1
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Who We Are

Credits : TaRL Africa

We seek to cultivate long-term, sustained collaborations with diverse stakeholders across contexts.

In such partnerships, Pratham team members work closely with personnel from within government systems. Although local organizations or other stakeholders may be engaged to assist with program delivery and implementation, the ministry the government remains the principal partner and point of contact for Pratham’s technical support.

Example: In Morocco, Pratham has been providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Education (MoE) on the adaptation of TaRL since April 2022. Recently, Pratham submitted a proposal along with IDinsight to the World Bank to continue supporting the Ministry on its evolving needs around TaRL and also to support the development of an NGO-led TaRL pilot.

In several contexts, Pratham has strong partnerships with non-governmental organizations and actors that implement and scale education programs in-country via government systems.

Example: In Nepal, Pratham teams provided technical support for a TaRL pilot endorsed by the country’s Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. The delivery and implementation of the pilot were supported by a local NGO partner — Street Child of Nepal (SCoN) — with funding support from the World Bank. As the lead technical assistance partner on this project, Pratham aimed at building the capacity of the local NGO partner by training a cadre of master trainers from SCoN who supported the adaptation of the content and led the training and mentoring of teachers and facilitators.

Pratham’s experts offer technical support to non-governmental stakeholders, supporting in the creation, implementation, and scaling of educational initiatives in communities and beyond. In such engagements, there is often limited engagement or participation from government bodies.

Example: In Egypt and the Philippines, Pratham teams provided technical support for a TaRL pilot led by local organizations Educate Me and AHA! Learning Center, respectively. In such collaborations, the local organizations were trained in the approach and continue to receive light-touch periodic guidance on program design and delivery. Both Educate Me and AHA! Learning Centers work in schools that they have strong ties or presence with already.

Pratham’s transformative education initiatives thrive through partnerships with dedicated donors and funders who share our passion for unlocking the full potential of children and youth.

We aim to collaborate with esteemed research organizations to advance knowledge and create innovative solutions. Together, we want to ensure that children and youth worldwide are learning for school, learning for work and learning for life.

Knowledge Sharing and Advocacy

In Sub-Saharan Africa, Pratham International provides intensive support to Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Africa.

TaRL Africa was originally developed as a joint initiative between J-PAL and Pratham to strengthen children’s foundational literacy and numeracy skills in the region by using the evidence-based Teaching at the Right Level approach.

Pratham International team members provide cross-functional technical assistance to TaRL Africa country teams and also to TaRL Africa partners. Through these collaborations, Pratham International’s team members have varying degrees of engagement with ministries, local NGOs, and other education-sector actors across Sub-Saharan African countries.

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Credits : TaRL Africa

Our Support to Partners

Pratham International offers tailored end-to-end support across various program areas, adapting to partner needs and operating contexts. We cater to both long-term and short-term engagements, aiming for flexibility in our commitments.


Partnership modalities

Based on the needs of the program and the resources available, our end-to-end support can be remote, hybrid, or in-person.

Remote support

Our growing digital capacity has helped us deliver remote support to new and existing partners. In most instances, remote support is provided due to travel restrictions, security concerns, and/or limited travel funds. In such partnerships, we provide virtual assistance on all aspects of education programming including design, delivery, and review. The frequency and depth of our remote engagement vary depending on diverse factors including duration of program delivery, dedicated funding for Pratham’s technical support, and partner requests.

Currently, we provide remote support for Instituto Gesto’s TaRL programming in Brazil, Educate Me’s pilots in Egypt, and AHA! Learning Center’s work in the Philippines.

Hybrid support

Combining remote support with occasional in-person visits to program areas for activities like training and review.

In-Country Support

As we expand, we aim to establish in-country teams that will support diverse education programmers. Efforts are underway to.

The TaRL Africa Initiative

We value partnerships

as important avenues for learning and sharing, especially in the global south.

Over the years, Pratham team members have been knowledge and technical partners in projects, including early childhood education in South Africa and Rwanda. Additionally, we’ve played an active role in global discussions on literacy and numeracy, participating in events and diverse professional groups, and developing public resources for platforms like the FLN Hub.

Credits : TaRL Africa

The FLN Hub

Launched in January 2022, the FLN Hub is a resource website that provides practical tools and information on various foundational literacy and numeracy innovations. It is part of a global Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Initiative — a collaboration between UNICEF, Pratham, J-PAL, and Delivery Associates, with support from the World Bank and the Global Partnership for Education.

Visit fln hub

Partners and Collaborations

Interested in collaborating
with us?

Write to our team at
to create a brighter future for children and youth.

Credits : TaRL Africa